The Garbage Monster

Book & WeBSITE


Designed and developed for the children's book "The Garbage Monster", this website is meant to promote the book and raise consumer interest.

my role
In addition to designing this website, I also wrote the Garbage Monster book.

Objectives & Goals

The Garbage Monster website was created to promote the book and offer a more thorough explanation of the book's inspiration and writing process.

Stakeholder buy-in

It was my intention throughout the entire writing process to create a website that would serve as a medium for promoting the book, as well as explaining the purpose behind my decision to write a children's book and why it was significant to me.

Research & Review

In addition to being my first time writing a children's book, and my first time writing any kind of book for that matter, it was also my first time creating a website for a book.

My initial investigation into a specific book website was, at best, sporadic. Most published authors have their own website that features all of their written works, but I couldn't find as many sites dedicated to a single book, especially for an unpublished and first-time author.

The plan I came up with was to examine the websites of authors who had just released a new book or featured one and to incorporate some ideas from those websites into my own website.

The websites I used as examples frequently featured a sizable image or graphic of that book along with a sizable CTA urging users to buy it. These websites also had pages for contact information and author bios.

Design & Implementation

With a general plan in mind, it was time to start building the site. I started with a pen and paper, sketching out ideas for how the site should look. After deciding on a direction, the next step was to take those initial thoughts and sketches and put them on the screen.

I also wanted to highlight the brilliant illustration work for the book on the website. I wanted the artwork from the book's illustration to be a focal point of the site.

The tools I chose to build the site in were Figma and Webflow. The design and development of the site where very straightforward and I was able to build the site in a coupe of weeks.

Having completed the website, I wanted it launched alongside the official launch of the book on Amazon.

Management & Maintenance

The site was created with the webflow program, making administration extremely simple. I check it on a regular basis to ensure that all of the links are active and functional.


The website and book were both launched, and the response and results have been positive. I wrote a children's book not for money or recognition, but because I've always wanted to write a book.
